Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Julia Roberts' Top 5 Movies

For a while back in the 1990s, Julia Roberts embodied everything that every woman in America wanted to be. She was sassy, yet refined, beautiful yet down to earth, and fun yet tranquil. Indeed, she's still on the scene, but it would seem that other, younger actresses have taken over. That's great for you, however, because it means that all of her movies will be shown on the classic channels strewn all over satellite TV. Check out the beautiful redhead in the following five films before moving on to the rest of her great work.

Pretty Woman: This movie defined a generation. Set in Los Angeles in the late 1980s, Roberts plays a gorgeous girl who's been forced into prostitution due to some unfortunate circumstances. Picked up by a wealthy businessman (played by Richard Gere), she quickly falls in love. We won't spoil the rest of the story, but be assured that there's a happy ending. If nothing else, watch this just for how great you'll feel afterwards.

Notting Hill: Cast opposite the always enjoyable Hugh Grant, Roberts plays a (wait for it) American movie star besieged by the press while vacationing in London. She somehow ends up trapped in Grant's home, looking to get away from the irascible paparazzi. Complete opposites, the two fall quickly fall in love. Like Pretty Woman, it's a heart warming tale of the power of love.

Erin Brockovich: Crusading against greedy utility companies, Roberts brings the true story of Ms. Erin Brockovich to the silver screen. This is a gripping emotional rollercoaster, so be prepared with a box of tissues. The only thing more amazing than Robert's portrayal of Erin Brockovich is the fact that she actually exists in real life.

Hook: Hook is a classic film that is instantly recognizable to anyone who was born in the 1980s. A sequel to the story of Peter Pan, Hook put Robin Williams opposite Julia Roberts, with an ensemble cast of adorable kids terrorizing an island. If you have young kids, this is a great movie to screen once they've finished their homework.

The Mexican: Roberts made The Mexican with her longtime friend Brad Pitt. Though it was originally advertised as a romantic comedy, that's not quite accurate; in fact, the two spend barely any time on stage together. The entire story revolves around Pitt's character's attempt to smuggle a weapon from Mexico and back into the States. As you can imagine, the charisma put forth by Roberts and Pitt make this a must-see.

Julia Roberts is a great actress, up there with Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor as one of the classiest women to ever grace the silver screen. Though she has taken several long-term breaks from acting, she's currently back in the business, so you can look forward to catching her in new movies including The Friday Night Knitting Club. Until that comes out, make sure to keep your eyes peeled for Roberts on satellite TV.

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